N wall of so-called ’Telesterion’ (in C, viewer facing W. Retaining wall in BG) Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece. 5CBC. 9734 N wall of so-called ’Telesterion’. Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece. 5CBC. 9736 So-called ’Telesterion’. (Facing E) Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece. 5CBC. 9715 So-called ’Telesterion’ (facing NE). S retaining wall on R. Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece. 5CBC. 9737 East front of Temple E (Heraion?) in Selinunte, Sicily. 297
1. N wall of so-called ’Telesterion’ (in C, viewer facing W. Retaining wall in BG) Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece. 5CBC. 2. N wall of so-called ’Telesterion’. Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece. 5CBC. 3. So-called ’Telesterion’. (Facing E) Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece. 5CBC. 4. So-called ’Telesterion’ (facing NE). S retaining wall on R. Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece. 5CBC. 5. East front of Temple E (Heraion?) in Selinunte, Sicily.
West (front) wall of so-called ’Telesterion’. (Facing S) Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece. 5CBC. 9713 General Prospect of Morgantina, Sicily, Italy 351 Prospect of Morgantina from East Ridge to South and West. Theater on the right. Sicily, Italy 353 Interior of Temple E (Heraion?), Selinunte, Sicily. East to West. 399 East front of Temple E (Heraion?) in Selinunte, Sicily. 400
6. West (front) wall of so-called ’Telesterion’. (Facing S) Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece. 5CBC. 7. General Prospect of Morgantina, Sicily, Italy 8. Prospect of Morgantina from East Ridge to South and West. Theater on the right. Sicily, Italy 9. Interior of Temple E (Heraion?), Selinunte, Sicily. East to West. 10. East front of Temple E (Heraion?) in Selinunte, Sicily.
East Front of Temple E (Heraion?), Selinunte, Sicily. 401 Cella of Temple F (Temple E in BG on extreme L, Temple G in BG on R). Selinunte, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC. 12231 Temple E seen from north. Selinunte, Sicily. 403 Temple E seen from north-east. Selinunte, Sicily. 404 Interior of Temple E and looking towards Temple G. Selinunte, Sicily. 405
11. East Front of Temple E (Heraion?), Selinunte, Sicily. 12. Cella of Temple F (Temple E in BG on extreme L, Temple G in BG on R). Selinunte, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC. 13. Temple E seen from north. Selinunte, Sicily. 14. Temple E seen from north-east. Selinunte, Sicily. 15. Interior of Temple E and looking towards Temple G. Selinunte, Sicily.
Detail of capital and abacus. Temple E. Selinunte, Sicily 406 Looking east and north from interior of Temple E. Selinunte, Sicily. 407 Looking west from interior of Temple E. Opisthodomos on right. Selinunte, Sicily 408 Southwestern Corner of Temple E, (Heraion?). Selinunte, Sicily. 409 Interior of Temple E, Selinunte, Sicily 410
16. Detail of capital and abacus. Temple E. Selinunte, Sicily 17. Looking east and north from interior of Temple E. Selinunte, Sicily. 18. Looking west from interior of Temple E. Opisthodomos on right. Selinunte, Sicily 19. Southwestern Corner of Temple E, (Heraion?). Selinunte, Sicily. 20. Interior of Temple E, Selinunte, Sicily
Opisthodomos (left) and south peripteral columns of Temple E. Selinunte, Sicily. 411 Opisthodomos, Temple E (Heraion?). Selinunte, Sicily. 412 Interior (Naos?) of Temple E, Selinunte, Sicily. 413 South Side of Temple E (Heraion?). Selinunte, Sicily. 414 Column, Abacus, Architrave from Temple E (Heraion?). Selinunte, Sicily. 415
21. Opisthodomos (left) and south peripteral columns of Temple E. Selinunte, Sicily. 22. Opisthodomos, Temple E (Heraion?). Selinunte, Sicily. 23. Interior (Naos?) of Temple E, Selinunte, Sicily. 24. South Side of Temple E (Heraion?). Selinunte, Sicily. 25. Column, Abacus, Architrave from Temple E (Heraion?). Selinunte, Sicily.
Column Drums. Temple E (Heraion?). Selinunte, Sicily 416 Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 571 Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 572 Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 573 Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 574
26. Column Drums. Temple E (Heraion?). Selinunte, Sicily 27. Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 28. Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 29. Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 30. Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC
Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 575 Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 576 Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC. 585 Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 586 Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 587
31. Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 32. Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 33. Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC. 34. Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 35. Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC
Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 588 Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 589 Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 590 View to East Ridge of Morgantina. Sicily, Italy, 6CBC. 627 Shops on West Hill of Morgantina. Sicily, Italy. 6CBC. 628
36. Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 37. Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 38. Platform of Temple of Victory, Himera, Sicily, Italy. 6CBC 39. View to East Ridge of Morgantina. Sicily, Italy, 6CBC. 40. Shops on West Hill of Morgantina. Sicily, Italy. 6CBC.

N wall of so-called ’Telesterion’ (in C, viewer facing W. Retaining wall in BG) Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece. 5CBC.

Tranche18/HERAION_II_XXXX_I-04250.jpg 9734

N wall of so-called ’Telesterion’ (in C, viewer facing W. Retaining wall in BG) Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece. 5CBC.

N,   E            37° 41' 31'',   22° 46' 29'' 

This copyrighted image is by Robert H. Consoli (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Use with attribution to ’’ or ’Robert H. Consoli’

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Map shows the Heraion of Argos. Argolid, Greece.